Information Technology Office

Uppsala 10
51003 Tartu linn,
Tartu linn, Tartumaa
+372 737 6000

Today, information technology is an integral part of every field. Our department supports the digital development of the entire university with all its strengths and will. We offer various services related to managing computer networks, servers, information systems, hardware and software.

Our responsibility includes:

  • Supporting 17 000+ users
  • Administrating 300+ servers
  • Developing and maintaining 100+ information systems
  • Organization and management for 40+ IT services
  • Provision of computer network and telephone services
  • Organizing and ensuring cyber security

The customer support service offers comprehensive assistance to users in case of various information technology-related problems and orders.

IT helpdesk provides support from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 6:20 p.m. and Saturday to Sunday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Our office at Uppsala 10 is open from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.


IT info of the University of Tartu:


Phone: +372 737 5500 (5500)


For general questions, please contact:

Phone: + 372 737 6000 (6000)

Address: Uppsala 10, Tartu city, 51003

IT helpdesk guides

IT info of the University of Tartu

Information system applications

Kadi Metsla
Assistant of Head of Office
+372 737 6000
+372 5310 1615 (36000)
Uppsala 10-120
Sten Aus
Head of Information System Service
+372 523 8749
Uppsala 10-123
Erme Reino
Senior Specialist for Software Development
+372 737 5477
+372 5557 5421 (5477)
Uppsala 10-128
Marek Kolk
Software Developer
PhD (Mathematics)
Uppsala 10-128
Marbel Tamm
Software Developer / Software Architect 0.15 p
MSc (Information Technology)
Uppsala 10-128
Kersti Taurus
Senior Specialist for Information Technology
MSc (Computer Science)
Narva mnt 18–3116
Tõnis Eenmäe
Senior Specialist for Information Technology 0.5 p
MSc (Astrophysics)
+372 737 4544
+372 503 4223 (4544)
Observatooriumi 1-304
Kalle Kiiranen
Senior Specialist for Information Technology
cand (Physics-Mathematics)
W. Ostwaldi 1–A404
Enno Kaasik
Senior Specialist for Information Technology
Uppsala 10-150
Vahur Üprus
Senior Specialist for Information Technology
Uppsala 10-156
Antti Reitel
Specialist in Information Technology
+372 435 5255
Viljandi, Posti 1
Andres Riik
Andres Riik
Information Technology Specialist
+372 737 6451
Jakobi 5-241
Eljar Tamm
Information Technology Specialist
W. Ostwaldi 1-A404
Jaanika Sarapuu
Support Service Specialist
MA (Economy and Entrepreneurship)
Uppsala 10-148
Sten Tikk
Information Technology Specialist
Uppsala 10-156
Margo Huik
Information Technology Specialist
Uppsala 10–150
Erkki Kukk
Head of IT Infrastructure Service
MSc (Computer Science)
+372 737 5459
+372 521 3503 (5459)
Uppsala 10-240
Robert Tiismus
Senior Specialist for Information Technology
+372 737 4620
+372 503 9913 (4620)
Uppsala 10-240
Marek Arras
Senior Specialist for Information Technology
Uppsala 10-240
Joel Jans
System Administrator
+372 5333 7582
Uppsala 10-240
Kaarli Kivimaa
Information Technology Specialist
+372 737 5466
+372 5620 8063 (5466)
Uppsala 10-239
Kuldar Pild
ITC Specialist
+372 737 5699
+372 506 9954 (5699)
Uppsala 10-240
Rustam Ojukas
Specialist in Information Technology
+372 737 5449
+372 5349 8011 (5449)
Uppsala 10-240
Jürgen Narits
System Administrator
+372 737 5439
+372 5862 7077 (5439)
Uppsala 10-239
Imre Lall
Head of Services
MBA (Strategic Management)
+372 737 5381
+372 522 8381 (5381)
Uppsala 10-244
Maria Sarv
MSc (Financial and Insurance Mathematics)
+372 737 5462
+372 5554 1990 (5462)
Uppsala 10-241
Liisi Sirk
Product Manager
MA (Information and Knowledge Management)
+372 737 5446
+372 5627 6122 (5446)
Uppsala 10-241
Annika Maranik
Product Manager 0.9 p
+372 737 5460
+372 505 4986 (5460)
Uppsala 10-241
Karl Rammo
MSc (Conversion Master in IT)
Uppsala 10-241
Cätlyn Okas
MA (Information and Knowledge Management)
+372 737 5455
Uppsala 10-241
Risto Rahu
Chief Information Security Officer
MSc (Information Technology)
Head of Information Security Division
+372 5305 5032 (5480)
Uppsala 10-238
Indrek Sarapuu
Information Security Project Manager
+372 521 9414 (6414)
Uppsala 10–238
Margo Möls
Chief Information Security Specialist
+372 737 5437
+372 5341 7494 (5437)
Uppsala 10–238
Henri Sutting
Information Security Project Manager
+372 5331 5948 (3159)
Uppsala 10–238
Elin Nurges
Information Security Advisor 0.7 p
MBA (Business Administration)
Uppsala 10–238
Kerli Lina
Information Security Project Manager
Uppsala 10–238