ReConnect China


ReConnect China aims to generate a deeper, sustainable understanding of contemporary China and to build a resilient future with China for the EU and its citizens, leading scientific European expertise and innovative digital technologies are mobilized.

The question in which domains EU collaboration with China is desirable, possible, or impossible starts from the acknowledgment that in the modern geopolitical and geo-economic world, the EU and China stand in a perpetual dynamic relationship with each other.

This project therefore identifies the following key fields on which the EU should upgrade its independent knowledge: Science & Technology, Economy & Trade, Domestic Governance, and Foreign Policy. To carry out this project, a database which will provide access to new sources of information will be developed. The independent knowledge that will be generated in this project will bring together stakeholders and experts in a Europe-China Knowledge Forum. The project also envisages to enhance awareness in China among the general public and youth.

Webpage of the project:

Leading partner: Ghent University

Partnerid: CCCM (PT), Clingendael (NL), Egmont (BE), Swedish National China Centre (SE), Innovasjon Norge (NO), Institut Français des Relations Internationales (FR), Istituto Affari Internazionali (IT), Fundacion Real Instituto Elcano de Estudios Internacionales y Estrategicos (ES), Universiteit Gent (BE), Universiteit Groningen (NL), Tartu Ülikool (EE), Turu Ülikool (FI), Universität Wien (AT), Univerzita Palackeho v Olomouci (CZ) ja Zentrum für Soziale Innovation GMBH (AT).

University of Tartu team: Anastasia Sinitsyna (WP5, scientific project manager), Elo Süld (WP5), Robert Wetherly (WP3), Eiki Berg (WP4), Urmas Hõbepappel (WP3) ja projektjuht (luuakse uus koht)(WP5) and Eveli Kuuse/Laura Tomsom (WP6)

Funder: European Commission

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