Irene Strong (Unsplash)

Russia and China's influence in Central Asia: Europe's prospects, concerns and search for balance

Project "Russia and China's influence in Central Asia: Europe's prospects, concerns and search for balance"  aims to examine the geo- and domestic political, economic and social objectives of the countries of Central Asia today and the influence of China, Russia and Turkey in these countries. Including identifying what the EU's, including Estonia's, interests, priorities and opportunities might be for defending its presence and creating mutual economic and security benefits. The research will cover Inner and Central Asia (Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan) and their key partners and neighbours (including Mongolia, the Caspian region and Afghanistan), also analysing the interests and activities of China, Russia and Turkey towards this region.

Funder: Estonian Minstry of Foreign Affairs

Period: 5.07.2023−5.07.2024

Doktorant teeb laval ettekannet

Mark your calendars: three-minute thesis competition for doctoral students to be held on 2 October

Doktoritöö kaitsnud Anastasia Sinitsyna Aasia keskuse kolleegidega

Anastasia Sinitsyna defended her doctoral thesis


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