China's and India's foreign policy and sustainable development in the new geopolitical context

Asia; mining
Ivan Bandura (Unsplash)

The aim of project "China's and India's foreign policy and sustainable development in the new geopolitical context" is to identify and discuss the linkages between the new geopolitical position of China and India and the way these two countries address selected sustainability issues in their domestic and foreign policies. In this context, the project will focus on the international and domestic arena, including governments, non-state actors such as various organisations, and the economic sector. It will also shed light on the relations between China and India with the EU and Estonia on selected sustainability issues. In line with the different trajectories of China and India's emergence as global superpowers, their position in the global environmental governance has changed dramatically since the 1992 Rio de Janeiro Summit. In particular, the two countries have begun to project themselves through foreign policy as responsible, sustainable superpowers and self-proclaimed leaders of the global South and global environmental governance. This has implications for the mutual dynamics between these countries and beyond, including their relations with the EU, and thus with Estonia.

Facilitators: Elo Süld, Anastasia Sinistyna, Kikee Doma Bhutia, Agnieszka Nitza-Makowska

Funder: Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Period: 05.07.2023–05.07.2024

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