Conference and doctoral school "The challenges of information society: a Japanese perspective"

Conference and doctoral school titled "The challenges of information society: a Japanese perspective" is taken place on 25-26. September 2019, University of Tartu, Senat hall (Ülikooli 18)

Globalization and the growing connectedness/ interdependence of the world have challenged Japan in reshaping its institutions and practices during the last decades. The country faces similar challenges as many European countries – globalization and economic competitiveness, declining demography, digitalization, changing needs on the employment market which all have a deep impact on the organization of education. Japan faces the challenges to adjust to global trends, but, at the same time, to retain its unique culture and identity in the changing world of the 21st century.
With the new EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement in background which entered into force in February 2019, our conference/ doctoral seeks to strengthen and expand the dialogue between Japan and Estonia/ Europe and discuss the contemporary societal challenges and solutions with experts from and on Japan.

Speakers: Prof. Komori Hiromi (Waseda University), Prof. Aizawa Shin´ichi (Sophia University), Prof. Annette Bradford (Temple University), Prof. Ota Hiroshi (Hitotsubashi University), Prof. Nakamura Kazue (Meiji University, Tokyo), Prof. Hashimoto Yorimitsu (Osaka University), Margit Juurikas (University of Tallinn), Prof. Sato Asuka (Tohoku Institute of Technology), Prof. Faith Hatani (University of Copenhagen), Prof. Ari Kokko (University of Copenhagen, University of Tartu), Prof. Yamakawa Ryuichi (University of Tokyo), Prof. Sekine Yuki (Kobe University), Johanna Vallistu (Expert of the Foresight Centre; Tallinn University of Technology, PhD student)

The workshop is co-organized by the University of Tartu Asian Centre, the Estonian Graduate School of Culture Studies and Arts, Doctoral School in Economics and Innovation, Doctoral School of Educational Sciences, Doctoral School of Behavioural, Social and Health Sciences, Institute of Cultural Research, College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, School of Law, School of Economics and Business Administration. The event is financed by the University of Tartu ASTRA Project PER ASPERA (European Regional Development Fund), the Faculty of Social Science.

Please register here. Find schedule on website. Organizer contact: Elo Süld,

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