ENLIGHT winter school on equity and equality in education and medicine

ENLIGHT winter school on equity and equality

The University of Tartu is organizing a virtual winter school "Equity and equality in education and medicine”. The winter school focuses on equality and equality in education and medicine.

Equal treatment as a principle and as a practice is often discussed in the context of minorities. The emphasis has been on the integration of foreigners and providing a more fair starting point to individuals who might fall under the category of a ‘vulnerable group.’ However, equal treatment does not always circle minorities and assure either equality or equity. It is as much linked with majority groups as with minority groups. Furthermore, equal treatment is not always equal to all the individuals involved. It can cause more harm than good in the short- and long-term whether we keep in mind the wellbeing of individuals, their connection with the local government or the state, or providing constant wind for the propaganda mills of populists or extremists.

A total of 45 participants from nine Enlight universities, including India and Indonesia, enrolled in the winter school. The participants of the winter school are mainly in the fields of nursing, education, health care and geography. The Virtual Winter School focuses on the opportunities and challenges of ensuring equality and equity in today's Europe. The course structure follows the understanding that to understand a complex system, such as a climate, you need to learn about the system from different perspectives. Therefore, you, the students, have an active role to play in creating your organizations and systems during the winter school so that you can work for a better world after graduation. The winter school will feature presentations and panel discussions between experts from the universities of Tartu, Uppsala, Ghent, Bordeaux, Göttingen and Gröningen and participating students.

For more information, click on the winter school's webpage.

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