Chair of Intellectual History

Pärtel Piirimäe
Pärtel Piirimäe
Head of Chair, Professor of Intellectual History
PhD (History)
Jakobi 2-324

CV in Research Information System
Account on Academia platform

Topics of research and supervision

  • European and Estonian intellectual history
  • Early modern political thought and international thought
  • History of early modern international law
  • History of early modern natural law and moral philosophy
  • History of early modern propaganda
  • History of historiography
Meelis Friedenthal
Meelis Friedenthal
Associate Professor of Intellectual History 0.5 p
dr. theol.

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • History of European and Estonian intellectual history
  • History of theology and philosophy
  • History of universities, history of books, disputations, digital humanities
Eduard Parhomenko
Junior Lecturer in History of Philosophy
MA (Philosophy)

CV in Research Information System

Topics of research and supervision

  • Kant and German Idealism 
  • Phenomenology 
  • Aesthetics and Phenomenological Approach to Art 
  • Estonian Intellectual History and Philosophy 
  • Soviet Philosophy 
Timo Aava
Visiting Research Fellow
Dr. phil.
Pille Tekku
Junior Research Fellow in Philosophy 0.5 p
MA (Philosophy)