Chair of Theoretical Chemistry

Uko Maran
Head of Chair, Associate Professor in Molecular Technology
PhD (Theoretical and Computer Chemistry)
+372 737 5254
+372 503 7163 (5254)
Ravila 14a-4070
Mati Karelson
Academician, Professor emeritus
cand (Chemistry)
+372 737 5255
+372 502 1519
Jaan Leis
Associate Professor in Molecular Technology 0.5 p
PhD (Theoretical and Computer Chemistry)
+372 737 5183
Ravila 14a-4068
Sulev Sild
Associate Professor in Molecular Technology
PhD (Theoretical and Computer Chemistry)
+372 737 5183
Ravila 14a-4068
Geven Piir
Research Fellow of Molecular Technology
PhD (Molecular Engineering)
+372 737 5278
Ravila 14a-4072
Maike Käärik
Research Fellow in Molecular Technology
PhD (Molecular Engineering)
+372 737 5279
Ravila 14a-4077
Selma Zukic
Research Fellow in Molecular Technology
PhD (Pharmaceutical Studies)
+372 737 5278
Ravila 14a-4072
Simona Selberg
Research Fellow in Molecular Technology
PhD (Chemistry)
+372 737 5170
Ravila 14a-4069
Larisa Ivanova
Research Fellow in Molecular Technology
PhD (Molecular Engineering)
+372 737 5170
Ravila 14a-4069
Mihkel Kotli
Junior Research Fellow in Molecular Technology
+372 737 5272
Ravila 14a-4073
Mare Oja
Research Fellow in Molecular Technology (employment contract suspended)
PhD (Molecular Engineering)