Book presentation (13.12): The Origins of Estonia-China relations

The new book "The Origins of Estonia-China" will be presented on Thursday, 13th of December 2018 16.15 at University of Tartu Art Museum (Ülikooli 18).

"The Origins of Estonia-China relations" gives an overview of the prelude to the relations between the two nations and the difficult process of forming diplomatic relations in the early 20th century. Special attention is paid on the life of the Estonian community in China before 1949. The authors of the book are Priit Rohtmets, Tiit Kuuskmäe ja Urmas Pappel and the foreword is written by former ambassador (2012-2016) to the Peoples' Republic of China Toomas Lukk. The book is rich in historical photos and documents and is released in three languages (Estonian, Chinese, English).

The book is published by Eesti Akadeemiline Orientaalselts. The publishing of this books has been supported by Republic of Estonia Ministy of Culture, Estonian Cultural Endowment, Eesti Energia, Compatriots' Scholarships, Fors MW and many private donators.

More information:
Märt Läänemets
Eesti Akadeemilise Orientaalseltsi president

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