Department of Ethnology

Ülikooli 16, ruumid 204, 211, 213
51003 Tartu linn,
Tartu linn, Tartumaa
+372 737 5654
Art Leete (foto: A. Tennus)
Art Leete
Professor of Ethnology, Programme Director for Literature and Cultural Research
PhD (Estonian and Comparative Folklore)
+372 737 6257
Ülikooli 16-211
Ene Kõresaar
Ene Kõresaar
Professor of Oral History and Memory Studies
PhD (Ethnology)
+372 737 5214
Ülikooli 16-206
Ester Bardone
Ester Bardone
Lecturer in Ethnology, Programme Director
PhD (Ethnology)
Ülikooli 16-211
Jana Reidla
Jana Reidla
Research Fellow in Ethnology, Programme Director
PhD (Ethnology)
Paulina Vitušcanka
Junior Research Fellow in Ethnology
MA (Folkloristics and Applied Heritage Studies)
Terje Toomistu
Research Fellow in Ethnology (employment contract suspended)
PhD (Ethnology)