Topic: studies

Dr. Frank Ursin and Dr. Cristian Timmermann will give a lecture on medicine and artificial intelligence
On Monday, 3 February, at 4:15 PM, a lecture on medical artificial intelligence will take place in the University of Tartu Delta Study Building (Narva mnt 18-2048). The speakers are Dr Frank Ursin and Dr Cristian Timmermann from Germany. The lecture, titled “Levels of Explicability: How to Overcome Epistemological and Normative Barriers in Medical AI”, is organised by the Centre for Ethics of the University of Tartu, Department of Philosophy, and the Estonian Centre of Excellence in AI (EXAI).
24. January 2025 studies
The recipients of the Asia Centre scholarship were revealed
The recipients of the Asia Centre scholarship were revealed
12. June 2023 studies
Application period for scholarships supporting studying in Japan is open
Application period for scholarship supporting studying in Japan is open
27. April 2023 studies
2023 Huayu (Mandarin Chinese) Enrichment Scholarship for Students at Tartu University
2023 Huayu (Mandarin Chinese) Enrichment Scholarship for Students at Tartu University
10. March 2023 studiesinternational
Dr Bhutia at RSR: Folk Religion and Contemporary Belief in Sikkim
Dr Bhutia at RSR: Folk Religion and Contemporary Belief in Sikkim
MEXT Scholarships for studying in Japan
MEXT Scholarships for studying in Japan
23. January 2023 studiesinternational
Application period for University of Tartu Asia Centre scholarship is open
Application period for University of Tartu Asia Centre scholarship is open
A conference on inequality through the examples of Japan and Europe
Toimus konverents ebavõrdsuse tekkest ja olemusest Jaapani ning Euroopa näitel
18. October 2022 studiesinternational
Opening of Taiwan Resource Centre for Chinese Studies at the University of Tartu Library
Tartu Ülikooli raamatukogus avatakse esmaspäeval, 10. oktoobril kell 14.00 Taiwani Hiina-uuringute teabekeskus.
The receivers of the University of Tartu Asia Centre Scholarship were announced
The receivers of the University of Tartu Asia Centre Scholarship were announced
14. June 2022 studies