
Joint seminar with National University of Singapore

Last week Asia Centre’s research fellows Anastasia Sinitsyna, Kikee Doma Bhutia, Lelde Luik, Agnieszka Nitza Makowska, analyst Urmas Hõbepappel and Professor Piret Ehin (J. Skytte Institute for Policy Studies) visited Singapore. 

The visit was part of the project " Analysis of geopolitical developments in South Asia after the war in Ukraine in cooperation with Singaporean researchers". At the meeting, researchers presented their research papers, which colleagues from the National University of Singapore feedbacked. 

In the framework of the visit, a workshop was held 25.11 in cooperation with the National University of Singapore and the Estonian Embassy in Singapore, where Priit Turk, the Estonian Ambassador to Singapore, Kateryna Zelenko, the Ambassador of Ukraine to Singapore, Urmas Hõbepappel and Piret Ehin discussed the implications for International Security of the war in Ukraine. 

We are very grateful to our partner from the National University of Singapore, Kanti Bajpai and the Estonian Embassy in Singapore, who helped prepare both the 25.11 workshop and the entire visit. 

Another similar workshop will be held virtually in the spring, where once again our researchers will be able to discuss their thoughts and questions with their colleagues from Singapore.   

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India suursaadik

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