Public lectures about Islam in Central Asia

TÜ Asia Centre presents:

Asist. Prof. Dr. Ali Yıldız Musahan (Igdir University, the Faculty of Theology, Turkey) public lectures about Islam in Central Asia "Islam in Central Asia at the Soviet and post-soviet Period".

The Program:

15th May, 14.15, aud 230 "Introduction: Life of Muslims in Soviet and post-Soviet periods in Central Asia"

16th May, at 16.15, aud 228 "Islam in Central Asia at the Soviet Period (1917-1985)"

17th May, at 16.15, aud 230 "Transition process: Perestroika Period (1985-1990)"

18th May, at 16.15, aud 307 "What changed in Muslims life in the Post-soviet period (1990-2010)

19th May, at 16.15, aud 230 "Activities of Radical Islamic groups in contemporary Central Asia"

All lectures will be held at the University main building, Ülikooli 18.

The Soviet Union took control of the Central Asia Republics in years from 1917 to 1924. Islam was abolished from Muslim people’s lives and a non-religious society was created by the atheist ideology of the Soviet regime.  After the unexpected disintegration of the USSR and the gained independence, the Central Asian countries have faced numerous problems. Unstructured economy, governments without constitutions, and government seats with no staff were some of the handicaps of the states. But the religious movements that flocked to Central Asia from countries of the Middle East (Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, and Pakistan) have tried to establish a substructure of Islamic activities in Central Asia. These uncontrolled religious structures have brought along many problems since the beginning of 1990s.

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Asian Centre of UT and the School of Theology and Religious Studies