Teaching Mandarin in the Baltics: practical, methodological and theoretical issues

Teaching Mandarin in the Baltics:

practical, methodological and theoretical issues

a conference for teachers of Mandarin Chinese
in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania

Time: 2-3 March 2018

Location: Jakobi street 2-114
(University of Tartu Philosophicum)

Organisers: University of Tartu College of Foreign Languages and Cultures in cooperation with the University of Tartu Asian Centre

Supporter: Taipei Mission in the Republic of Latvia

Due to the rise of China as an economic, political, and military power and the growth of its influence in world affairs in the recent decades, the interest towards Chinese culture and language has also grown rapidly worldwide. Learning Chinese is a rising trend in non-Chinese countries: the number of colleges, institutes, schools, and study groups offering language training in Mandarin Chinese in their curricula keeps growing. The three Baltic countries are not an exception and today Mandarin in being taught in all the major universities of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania either as a major, minor module or as elective courses. Studying Chinese as a second or third foreign language has also become available in some secondary schools and language schools.

Such a rapid growth of interest has raised the need for qualified Mandarin teachers, particularly among native speakers, in all three countries. Not many training courses for teachers are available in the Baltic region and the only way to enhance their qualification and to master new methods of teaching Mandarin is to go abroad. Both Taiwanese and Mainland Chinese institutions and offices offer their support for additional training in respective countries, which has been quite widely used by Mandarin teachers of all three Baltic countries.

To contribute to the training and education of teachers of Mandarin in the Baltic region and provide a forum for communication and sharing experience, the conference “Teaching Mandarin in the Baltics: practical, methodological, and theoretical issues” will be organised on 2-3 March 2018 in Tartu. The conference is organised by the University of Tartu College of Foreign Languages and Cultures in co-operation with University of Tartu Asian Centre and supported by the Taipei Mission in the Republic of Latvia.

The 2-day conference includes two keynote presentations by experts from Taiwan and U.S.A., thematic papers from participants, and thematic round-table discussions.


We kindly invite you to participate in the conference and register on the conference homepage by January 23rd 2018 (extended deadline). Find the suggested topics here and the registration form here.

The working language of the conference is English.

The participaton fee is 20 € and can be paid via bank transfer or in cash on the first day of the conference. The preference can be marked in the registration form.


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