Andres Tennus

University of Tartu and Airlangga University discussed cooperation possibilities

On 23 September, the University of Tartu hosted the delegation of Airlangga University, Indonesia. At the meeting, the parties introduced their activities and goals, and discussed future cooperation.

The University of Tartu received a diverse delegation led by Princess Adriana Sri Lestari, the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Estonia to the Special Capital District of Jakarta, Rector of Airlangga University Professor Mohammad Nasih, and the Head of Academic Senate Professor Djoko Santoso. On behalf of the University of Tartu, the guests were received by Rector Toomas Asser, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Aune Valk, Head of the Asia Centre Elo Süld, Associate Professor in Orthodontics Triin Jagomägi, Deputy Head for Academic Affairs of the Johan Skytte Institute for Political Studies Maili Vilson, Head of International Cooperation Kristi Kerge, Head of International Protocol Sirje Üprus and Professor of International Relations Theory Eiki Berg.

Airlangga University is a high-level educational institution aiming to become the best university in Indonesia. The two universities signed a memorandum of agreement in 2021 already. The cooperation so far has included, among other things, the political scientists' guest lectures and seminars in Tartu and Airlangga. For example, Senior Lecturer Vinsensio Dugis of the Department of International Relations of Airlangga University has given lectures at the Skytte Institute of Political Studies, and Professor of Regional Political Studies of the University of Tartu Andrey Makarychev visits Airlangga University this autumn. In November, based on the experience of the Centre for Eurasian and Russian Studies (CEURUS), Airlangga University will open a Centre for East European and Eurasian Studies , in which CEURUS is one of the cooperation partners.

There have also been online meetings between the medical and religious scholars of the two universities. In August this year, the Asia Centre organised a joint panel with researchers from Airlangga University at the Annual Conference of the Nordic Institute of Asian Studies and they intend to continue the cooperation. In the near future, Lecturer in Islamic Studies Elo Süld and Professor of Estonian and Comparative Folklore Ülo Valk will deliver guest lectures in Airlangga. The representatives of Airlangga University expressed great interest in developing mobility opportunities for both teaching staff and students, and in joint educational and research and development projects. In addition, they provide numerous funding opportunities.

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