Mirjam Savioja

The Women in Science theme week will be held at the University of Tartu

The theme week, running from 5 to 11 February, will include a social media campaign highlighting the work and achievements of women researchers. The campaign calls on researchers to share briefly, in a free form, what important problems their research is helping to solve. When writing about the Day of Women in Science on social media, hashtags #NaisedTeaduses and #WomenInScience should be used. 

“If you look at the proportion and potential of women in science or academia at the international level throughout the 20th century, it has not really increased steadily everywhere. Based on this information, I don’t think we can expect the situation to improve over time,” said panellist Janet Laidla, Lecturer in Estonian History. 

On 8 February, starting at 15:00, a panel discussion “Women in science: is science plagued by gender issues?” (in Estonian) will be held in the White Hall of the University of Tartu Museum and broadcast live on UTTV. Jaanika Anderson, Director of Research at the University of Tartu Museum, will moderate the panel discussion focusing on gender issues in science. The panellists are Associate Professor in Genetics Hedvig Tamman, Professor Archaeogenomics Kristiina Tambets, Lecturer in Estonian History Janet Laidla, and Professor of Environmental Health and Head of the Centre for Sustainable Development Hans Orru.

After the panel discussion, Curator Ken Ird will lead a guided tour (in Estonian) of the exhibition “Art or Science”, which focuses, among other things, on the role of women in the history of science in the 19th century. Participation in the discussion panel and the guided tour is free. 

Everyone interested can buy badges with the Day of Women in Science logo at the University of Tartu gift shop; free stickers are available to the quickest. 

The Day of Women in Science has been celebrated in Estonia at the initiative of the University of Tartu and the Estonian Young Academy of Sciences (EYAS) since 2021. The day aims to underline the role of women and girls in science, break stereotypes and encourage women to pursue a career in science. Since 2016, the L’Oréal and UNESCO For Women in Science fellowships have been awarded in Estonia.

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