Biggest Conference in Humanities “Religion – Continuations and Disruptions”

17th Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR) “Religion – Continuations and Disruptions” is happening in Tartu from today until Saturday.

The biggest humanities conference will bring together over 700 participants.
Several papers will be presented about Asia, including Audrius Beinorius’ panel titled Moving Beyond “Hinduism- but How? on 28th of June, Alari Allik’s panel about changes in Shintoism on the 26th and Silke R. G. Haspers’ presentation on mindfulness in contemporary Japan on the 25th of June.

University of Tartu Asia Centre workers are also sharing their research results. Head of Asia Centre, Elo Süld will present paper titled Normalising Muslim question in Estonian context: “the other as self-picture”  on 29th of June. Heidi Maiberg, communication specialist, will talk about importance of religion during the deradicalization process and methods and topics of conversation supporting deradicalization and disengagement of Islamists on the 26th and 29th of June.

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