Call for poster presentations in BAAS conference

Baltic Alliance for Asian Studies (BAAS) is calling for submission of proposals for MA and PhD students‘ poster presentations in the fourth BAAS conference that is going to take place at Vytautas Magnus University in March 5-7th, 2020.

Poster presentation is a good opportunity for students to present their research topic, discuss it with other participants of the conference, receive useful comments from other researches and obtain valuable experience of participation in an international conference. The BAAS conference is not limited to one particular approach and encourages submissions of proposals that can be classified under different fields of humanities and social sciences: anthropology, ethnology, history, linguistics, sociology, political science, etc. The working language of the conference is English.

Students’ poster presentation will take place in the following order: a) the authors of the posters shortly introduce themselves and their research topics (2-3 min.); b) participants and visitors of the conference can approach the posters to get more information about the research and ask questions to the presenters.

You can submit the students’ poster proposals until February 1st, 2020 to

For more information, visit following webpage -…

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