Thomas Tucker

DeFacto Dialogues seminar: “Taiwan Amidst Post-Election Turbulence”

Time: 22 February 2024, 14:30 – 16:00 (EST/GMT+2) 

Place: Lossi 36-305 

meeting ID: 997 7502 1068
passcode: 049580

The 2024 Taiwanese presidential elections in January were seen by many as a vote on the direction of future relations with Mainland China. With the ruling Democratic Progressive Party’s candidate Lai Ching-te emerging as the winner, Taiwan is expected to continue keeping China at arm’s length and seeking deeper ties with the US. China, at the same time, has increased its sabre-rattling in recent years, promising to reunite Taiwan with the mainland by 2049. The day after the Taiwanese elections, China gained another small victory, as Nauru announced breaking ties with Taiwan in favour of China, and work on curbing Taiwanese sovereignty continues. 

Join Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies for this DeFacto Dialogues seminar to discuss the recent Taiwanese presidential elections, their aftermath both in Taiwan and abroad, and possible developments regarding the cross-strait relations.  

Our discussants are: Professor Chueiling Shin, National Sun Yat-sen University and Ms Larissa Stünkel, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Nordic Countries. The seminar is moderated by Professor Eiki Berg. 

The seminar is organised by the De Facto States Research Unit of Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies, the University of Tartu, Estonia 

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