Discussion evening “Swift to the Snowy Sea: China and the Baltic Sea Region”

Project “One Belt, One Road”, the restoration of the Historic Silk Road is the most important foreign policy initiative in recent China’s history. Estonia, too, will not be left untouched by the new initiative of the road which aims to achieve the former glory of a great power. The idea of ​​the giant infrastructure of the world's second economy also engages the Baltic Sea, including Estonian waterways and harbours.

The “Swift to the Snowy Sea: China and the Baltic Sea Region” discussion event will bring together political, economic and social scientists who will answer questions about the impact of the project on Estonia and neighboring countries. Among them, "What are China's more detailed plans for the project?", "How does the project affect the political situation of the connected countries?" Do we expect China's influence to increase in our politics?", “Should we fear economic dependence on China? "

Following distinguished professionals will share their thoughts:
- Alexander Lust (Central China Normal University): “Introduction: Why China and the Baltic Sea Region Matter for Each Other?”
- Dong Lisheng (University of Tartu): “Sino-European Relations in the 21st Century: Perceptions and Reality”
- Urmas Varblane (University of Tartu): "The Economic Impact of the Rise of China on the Baltic Sea Region"
- Viacheslav Morozov (University of Tartu): "The Russia factor: Cooperation and Competition in the Border Regions"
- Marju Lauristin (University of Tartu): "Conclusion: China is Coming. Are we ready? "

Event takes place on Monday, 17.02 at 16.15 in room 214 of the J. Skytte Institute for Political Studies (Lossi 36).

All interested are welcome to join. Event is in English and organized by Aleksander Lust, Urmas Hõbepappel, University of Tartu Asia Centre in cooperation with J. Skytte Institute of Political Studies, School of Economics and Business Administration and Institute of Social Studies.

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