Estonia-Taiwan travel grant call 2021 is open

Estonian Research Council announces that the Estonia-Taiwan cooperation programme has opened the call for travel grants to visit Taiwanese research institutions. The deadline for applications is 21 December 2021.

The exchange visit programme provides opportunities for researchers from one partner country to visit research institutions in another partner country with the aim to facilitate research cooperation between Estonia and Taiwan; promotes mobility, the building of international contacts and knowledge transfer. Each year, a joint call is launched, resulting in up to three travel grants with duration up to 2 weeks (14 days) for researchers from both countries.

Information seminars:

03.11.2020 starting at 10:00 ETAg will organize a seminar introducing the travel grant application call in Estonian and starting at 13:00 in English. Pre-registration is required to participate:

In Estonian:…

In English:…

Fields of Research:

Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society
Civil Security for Society
Digital, Industry and Space
Climate, Energy and Mobility
Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
The potential travel period set from 1st of April to 31st of December 2021.

Applications do not have to be joint projects between researchers from the two countries, but contact must have already been established with the partner researcher before the application is submitted.

PS! Inorder to receive an Estonian researcher in Taiwan, the host institution must also submit an application to the Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) before the deadline. ETAg can only award the grant if the application has been submitted to MOST and it has been accepted.

To host a Taiwanese researcher in Estonian institution, applicants have to inform the ETAg about the visit.

Grant application procedure and the application form:

Application form and guidelines

Estonian applicant has to submit the electronically signed application by e-mail:

Katrin Saar
Tel: (+372) 731 7386

Further information:

Katrin Saar
Tel: (+372) 731 7386

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