International workshop “Dignity and society – transdisciplinary perspectives"

International workshop “Dignity and society – transdisciplinary perspectives" is taking place on 26.-30. November 2019 at the University of Tartu

Interdisciplinary workshop will discuss humankind and its values from different perspectives: humanities, social science, medicine, technology and the environment. As human beings, we live in a world where we are determined and valued from many different angles. As scientists, we look at the world through various prisms. Scientists from different disciplines create theories and technologies to explain how the world works, help and improve people and formulate responsibilities. 

Economic freedom, as a vital component of human dignity among others, is valuable as an end itself. How to reach this freedom and how private autonomy is valued in societies based on liberal economy and rule of law, will be discussed during the seminars. Economic and political freedom are connected to the self-respect flowing from the ability and responsibility to take care of oneself and are invaluable contributors to human dignity and equality. How independent we are in the situation of the open labor market and open economy?
The workshop days are encoded with different themes, all inspired by and around the humankind. Alongside Estonian researchers, there will be presentations by Vietnamese researchers and a chance to hear the Vietnamese perspective.

As doctoral students´ scientific appreciation is based on writing, the workshop also includes a seminar on how to write a scientific article and a case study on rejected articles.

We welcome participants from across disciplines at PhD levels. The doctoral sessions are a roundtable discussion with presentations and the following discussion to refine PhD students' understanding of the topics.

More information on the website  The deadline for registration by web-form is the 21th November. Info: Elo Süld (


26th November

10.00 Opening und greeting
10.15 Doctoral seminar:
Dr. Märt Läänemets (Institute of Cultural Research, University of Tartu) „Concept of the Humanistic Base Texts. An Approach to Understand and Evaluate the Axial Age's Spiritual Heritage“
Dr. Bhikshuni Lozang Trinlae (School of Theology and Religions Studies, University of Tartu) „Is a Buddhist Contemplative Ritual a Process of Clinical Spiritual Care? Results from Qualitative Phenomenological Empirical Research“
Dr. Le Nam Trung Hieu (University of Science, Hue University) „Studying the Portuguese presence in Vietnam in the 17th century“
12.00 Lunch break
13.00 Doctoral seminar:
Prof. Ülo Valk (Institute of Cultural Research, University of Tartu) "Ghosts, Spirits and Social Norms: Towards Cultural Theory of the Supernatural”
Dr. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan (University of Education, Hue University) “Confucianism and Folklore in the Vietnamese Fantasy Short Stories: Ghost Stories”
15.00 Visit to Estonian National Museum: appreciating the folkloristic values
18.00 Dinner

27th November

11:00- 12:45 Doctoral seminar: scientific writings
12:45-13:30 Lunch break
13:30-15:30 Doctoral seminar:
Quan Hoang Nguyen Tran (PhD student of School of Economics and Business Administration, University of Tartu) “Vietnamese organizational culture”
Dr. Tran Thi Thu Hien (University of Economics, Hue University) "Case Studies: Gender Issues in Vietnam I"
Dr. Tran Huynh Bao Chau (University of Economics, Hue University) "Case Studies: Gender Issues in Vietnam II"
15:30-16:00 Coffee break
16:00–17:00 Doctoral seminar:
Dr. Le Dang Bao Chau (University of Science, Hue University) "Labour migration – a livelihood strategy of rural households in coastal areas of Quảng Trị and Thua Thien Hue provinces"
Dr. Ho Nhan Ai (University of Law, Hue University) “Some legal challenges encountering Vietnam after 12 years as a member of WTO”
Dr. Nguyen Trinh (University of Law, Hue University) “New developments of contracts in the Vietnamese private international law system”
19.00 Dinner

28th November

10.00 Opening und greetings
10.15-12.00 Doctoral seminar:
Prof. Marco Kirm (Institute of Physics, University of Tartu) „Estonian Contribution to the Large Scale Facilities and Research Opportunities in MAX IV Lab and ESS in Lund Sweden“
Dr. Nhan Tran Thanh (University of Science, Hue University) "International cooperative research projects in Vietnam: Case of researches in the field of Geotechnical Engineering at Hue University"
Dr. Tu Le Tran Uyen (University of Science, Hue University) "Research in piezoelectric materials at Hue University; present achievement and further aims"
12.00 Lunch break
13.00 Visit to advanced research labs in Physicum: cooperation discussions for doctoral studies program and joint supervision for doctoral students (W. Ostwald Str. 1)
15.00-16.00 Visit to the National Archives in Tartu: appreciating the historical values. Jaan Lehtaru and Birgit Kibal (Nooruse 3)

29th November

11.00-14.00 Joint workshop seminar with Annual Meeting of Estonian Orthopaedic Society
Opening by Prof. Aare Märtson (Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Tartu)
Prof. Luigi Zagra (IRCCS Galeazzi Orthopedic Institute, Italy) “Advances in hip arthroplasty: what is justified and how”
Prof. Ola Rolfson (Institute of Clinical Sciences, University of Gothenburg) “Arthroplasty registry: an important quality tool”
Assoc. Prof. Le Nghi Thanh Nhan (University of Pharmacy and Medicine, University of Hue) “Direct anterior approach (DAA) for hip replacement, the experience of the first 8 years of application”
Prof. Luigi Zagra  (IRCCS Galeazzi Orthopedic Institute, Italy) “Surgical approach for THA: what really matters.”
15.00 Visit to University Clinic: appreciating the medicinal values.
16.00-17.00 Last session and seminar conclusion
18.00 Vietnamese evening organised by Quan Hoang Nguyen Tran (PhD student, School of Economics and Business Administration, University of Tartu)

30th November
12.00-14.00 Meeting with doctoral students in Tallinn at School of Law (University of Tartu)

The workshop is organized by the University of Tartu Asian Centre and the Estonian Graduate School of Culture Studies and Arts. The co-organizer are Doctoral School in Economics and Innovation, Doctoral School of Behavioural, Social and Health Sciences, Doctoral Schools of Earth Sciences and Ecology and Functional materials and Technologies, The Doctoral School of Clinical Medicine; Institute of Cultural Research,  School of Law, School of Economics and Business Administration, Institute of Physics; School of Clinical Medicine. The event is financed by the University of Tartu ASTRA Project PER ASPERA (European Regional Development Fund), the Faculty of Social Science.

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