International Workshop: Islam in Europe (13-14.09)

“Islam in Europe: Challenges of Diversity and Ways to Co-existence”

Islam in Europe has a 1200-year history. Today’s situation seems different. Flowing from the Arab Spring revolutions, recent civil wars, the Islamic State, and other crises of the past few years have culminated in migration levels from Islamic countries that have led to the development of seemingly new social problems and legal issues in Europe. The situation has been described as the clash of different values, where the answers cannot be found solely within the existing practices of European society. Increasingly, secular Europe speaks of religious, and specifically Islamic, “challenges” for the public sphere. The prospect of larger Islamic minorities also increases fears of the de-secularization of Europe. Now is the time to analyse and discuss the actual differences in our cultures and religions in order to determine our collective options so that we can live together despite our differences.

The event combines a scientific international conference with a workshop for doctoral and advanced MA students. The workshop is organized by School of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Tartu; School of Law, University Tartu; the University of Tartu Asian Centre; and Graduate School of Culture Studies and Arts (GSCSA). The event is also supported by the Anna Lindh Foundation.

The lectors are from Europe and Islamic countries:

Prof. Dr. Stefan Schreiner (University of Tübingen)
Prof. Dr. Mustafa ef. Cerić (Sarajevo)
Prof. Dr. Egdūnas Račius (Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania)
Prof. Dr. Mathias Rohe (University of Erlangen)
Prof. Amal Idrissi (Public Law and Political Sciences, University Moulay Ismael, Marocco)
Dr. Enes Bayraklı (Turkey – German University)
Dr. Leni Franken (University of Antwerpen)
Dr. Merilin Kiviorg, (School of Law, University Tartu)
Dr. Ringo Ringvee, (Ministry of the Interior)

Place: University main building, Ülikooli 18
Time: 13-14. september
Programme: More information about the event and lectures/seminars can be found HERE
PhD students and MA students who would like to participate at the seminars and collect 2ECTS should register by 7 September at elo.suld [ät]

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