Women in Science - Anastasia Sinitsyna

Anastasia Sinitsyna
Anastasia Sinistyna

As part of ‘Women in Science’ theme week, two Asia Centre’s research fellows open up about why they have chosen the profession of researcher. As the second researcher, we talked with Anastasia Sinitsyna.

Anastasia (MSc in Quantitative Economics, PhD candidate in Economics) is a research fellow at the Asia Centre and the scientific project manager for the ReConnect China project. With a background in quantitative economics research, her expertise lies in migration and issues related to social and labor market integration. Currently, she is conducting research on the green race of subsidiaries between China and the EU, exploring potential areas of collaboration and competition in the climate-related domain.

We asked her why she chose a career as a researcher. This is what she replied.

My primary motivation for choosing the path of a researcher stems from the harmony between autonomy and upholding the societal significance embedded in my work. I believe that in many career choices, there is a common dilemma of finding a synergy between professional freedom, personal liberty, and the recognition and appreciation of the work’s outcomes.

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