
Academic links between Estonia and Japan – the 20th anniversary of cooperation between ETAG and JSPS

On Thursday, 18.05 the Estonian Research Council (ETAG) held a joint seminar with the representation of the Japanese Society for the Advancement of Science (JSPS) in Stockholm and the Embassy of Japan to mark the 20th anniversary of the cooperation. The aim of the joint seminar was to introduce the activities of the Stockholm office of JSPS, share the experiences of grantees with prospective applicants and introduce research on Japan in Estonia. Elo Süld, Head of the Centre, also spoke, who gave an overview of the current and planned cooperation of the University of Tartu with Japan.  

Süld's presentation included an overview of the work of the University of Tartu in the direction of Japan. The Head of the University of Tartu Asia Centre presented the most exciting projects that scientists at the University of Tartu have with their Japanese counterparts. He also pointed out which universities have cooperation agreements and who are the leaders of cooperation with Japan, which is larger than the University of Tartu. Süld sees that, in addition to the existing cooperation, the opportunities for student migration should be increased and conferences and summer schools should be made in addition to the ones taking place so far. It is certainly possible to do more joint research projects and mentor doctoral students. The interest of the University of Tartu would be to obtain post-doctoral researchers who would study the global value chains, entrepreneurship and start-up environment, international business and investment, and the relations between Estonia and Japan in the context of Estonia and Japan.  

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