High-level delegation from Oman discussed cooperation opportunities with the University of Tartu

õrgetasemeline delegatsioon Omaanist arutas koostöövõimalusi Tartu Ülikooliga

Representatives of the Sultan Qaboos University of Oman visited the University of Tartu on 16 May.

The guests were mainly interested in the University of Tartu’s information technology and genomics programmes and research collaboration between the two universities. Members of the Oman delegation met Rector Toomas Asser and representatives of the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies, the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, and the Institute of Cultural Research. They also discussed potential cooperation in teaching the Arabic language and Islamic studies with people from the Asia Centre and the School of Theology and Religious Studies.

During the meeting, the parties discussed research cooperation possibilities between the two universities, including the study and research mobility for students and teaching staff. The delegation also visited the Delta centre, the biobank and the company Positium OÜ.

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