UTU Centre for East Asian Studies visited Tartu

Turu Ülikooli Ida-Aasia keskus koos Tartu Ülikooli Aasia keskusega

Centre for East Asian Studies from the University of Turku visited Tartu.

The first meeting of the centres took place in 2020. The cooperation of centres so far has led to the participation in the ReConnect China project, which is funded by the European Commission. Also, to a project idea that is still waiting for right funder.

During the meetings, research and teaching cooperation opportunities between the centres were discussed. We worked in groups to map existing interests, development needs and funding opportunities. Discussions took place at the inspiring Villa Tammekann, a building designed by Alvar Aalto located in Tähtvere. The building also houses the Granö Centre, which aims to support cooperation between Turku and the University of Tartu.

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