Topic: culture

Harmonia Universitatis series continues with the concert “Kurt Weill 125”
The second concert in the Harmonia Universitatis series of the University of Tartu and the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre (EAMT) “Kurt Weill 125” will take place in the university assembly hall on 1 April at 18.
12. March 2025 culture
Lecture series "The Stories of Buddhism"
Richard F. Gombrich, Professor Emeritus of the University of Oxford, will be the main speaker of the lecture series.
Mongolian Film Festival - November 4-5
The Institute of Cultural Research at the University of Tartu hosts a Mongolian film festival. The festival takes place November 4-5.
27. October 2022 instituteculture
Tantra in India: Paulson Lectures in the Study of Religion
In cooperation with the School of Theology and Religious Studies of the University of Tartu, the Estonian Society for the Study of Religions is organizing the first Ivar Paulson lectures
17. October 2022 cultureresearchfor society
Ene Selart's gave a presentation at the Baltic-Scandinavian Research Association
On 28 May, the Centre's coordinator of Japanese Affairs, Ene Selart gave a presentation at the Baltic-Scandinavian Research Association.
31. May 2022 cultureinternational
Linas Didvalis will introduce the film evening on Lithuanian-Japanese relations
On May 23, at 16:00, a public screening of the documentary “Kaunas. Signs of Sugihara and Japan” will take place at Jakobi 2 (room 107), and Linas Didvalis will introduce the film.
12. May 2022 culture
Learn how to make tea in a Japanese culture evening
On May 6, a cultural evening will take place at Tartu Loodusmaja, focusing on introducing Japanese tea culture.
19. April 2022 culture