
Dr Bhutia at RSR: Folk Religion and Contemporary Belief in Sikkim

RSR invites all interested to a lecture that connects international relations with folkloristics and religion. Sikkim was an independent Buddhist Himalayan Kingdom until 1975. Now it is part of the Indian Union, where hinduism remains the dominant religion. Still many Buddhist local folk traditions remain in Sikkim and have taken on new forms.

Kikee Doma Bhutia is a research fellow in the University of Tartu Asia Centre. She was born in Sikkim and this place has remained one of her research interests, as well as national identity, ideas of belonging and the role of religion and culture in politics. Kikee´s doctoral dissertation focused on the symbiosis of institutional Buddhism and the indigenous beliefs in the Himalayan region.

For more information about the event, please visit their FB page

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Fragment of a map. Compiled between 1928 and 1940

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Vere annetamist illustreeriv kujundus

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