Topic: international

Joint seminar with National University of Singapore
Our research fellows had a joint seminar with National University of Singapore
28. November 2022 instituteinternationalresearch
Application period for University of Tartu Asia Centre scholarship is open
Application period for University of Tartu Asia Centre scholarship is open
The Asia Center helps Europe shape China policy
The Asia Center helps Europe shape China policy
09. November 2022 internationalresearch
New research fellow - Anastasia Sinitsyna
Introduction of our research fellow Anastasia Sinitsyna.
02. November 2022 instituteinternationalresearch
Conference “Authority and spirituality in Islam: sources of diversity"
Conference “Authority and spirituality in Islam: sources of diversity" takes place on the 29th and 30th of November 2022 at the University of Tartu.
A conference on inequality through the examples of Japan and Europe
Toimus konverents ebavõrdsuse tekkest ja olemusest Jaapani ning Euroopa näitel
18. October 2022 studiesinternational
Opening of Taiwan Resource Centre for Chinese Studies at the University of Tartu Library
Tartu Ülikooli raamatukogus avatakse esmaspäeval, 10. oktoobril kell 14.00 Taiwani Hiina-uuringute teabekeskus.
University of Tartu and Airlangga University discussed cooperation possibilities
On 23 September, the University of Tartu hosted the delegation of Airlangga University, Indonesia. At the meeting, the parties introduced their activities and goals, and discussed future cooperation.
27. September 2022 internationalresearch
Launch of a research group
University of Tartu Asia Centre has launched a research group that starts with two projects.
Tiit Tammaru gave two presentations at National University of Singapore
Tiit Tammaru, a professor of Urban and Population Geography and Head of the Chair of Human Geography at the Department of Geography, University of Tartu, visited the National University of Singapore.