Public lecture on China in the International Order: from the Fall of the Berlin Wall to the Silk Road by Hans Ulrich Seidt

Tartu University announces the relaunch of ACADEMICA, a highlight of academic relations of Tartu University and German universities and scholars.

A visionary model inspired by President Lennart Meri in 1995, the goal of ACADEMICA is to strengthen links between German and Estonian science and research, to provide opportunities in building relationships and sharing knowledge between renowned German and Estonian scientists.

As a German contribution to celebrate 100 years of Estonia's national University, ACADEMICA will present events ‎throughout the year.

The relaunch ACADEMICA keynote lecture on the strategic development of China 30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall by H.E. Dr. Hans Ulrich Seidt, Senior Fellow at Princeton University and former Ambassador of Germany will be introduced by Prof. Toomas Asser, rector of Tartu University, H.E. Christoph Eichhorn, German Ambassador to Estonia and Olga Bogdanova, Deputy Director, Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies.

It will take place on the 24th of May at 13:30 – 15:00 in the main building of the University of Tartu, Ülikooli 18, room 139. The relaunch event is part of the 5th Eastern Platform Seminar of the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies

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