Järgmisel nädalal, 4. ja 6. detsembril korraldab Orientalistika seminar lisaks tavapärasele loengule veel kaks avalikku ettekannet. Teemadena käsitletakse leedu ja sanskriti keele seoseid kui ka konfutsianismi ja kapitalismi kokku sobitumist.
Sanskrit and Lithuanian: On Linguistic and Religious Affinities
Professor Audrius Beinorius (Vilnius University, University of Tartu ASTRA visiting professor 2018)
Aeg: Teisipäeval, 4. detsembril algusega kell 18:15
Koht: Tartu Ülikooli peahoone (Ülikooli 18) auditooriumis 228
From the very inception of comparative Indo-European linguistics in the beginning of the 19th century, the Lithuanian language was studied intensely by the most eminent specialists. When the similarity between Lithuanian and Sanskrit was discovered, Lithuanians highlight this affinity as one of significative signs of Lithuanian cultural identity and have taken a particular pride in their mother tongue as the oldest living Indo-European language.
During the lecture an attempt be made to discuss some relevant questions: was the greatest philosopher of modern times Immanuel Kant right by stating that Lithuanian language is best qualified to represent the ancient Aryan civilization and culture? How really cognate is Lithuanian to Sanskrit? What is relation between ancient Baltic and Vedic religions?
Confucius the ‘Capitalist Roader’: Some Issues of Compatibility and Critique?
Professor Geir Sigurðsson (University of Iceland)
Aeg: Neljapäeval, 6. detsembril algusega kell 16:15
Koht: Tartu Ülikooli peahoone (Ülikooli 18) auditooriumis 230
While the question of the compatibility of Confucianism and capitalism is virtually as old as western sinology, its relevance finds renewal in the upsurge of Confucianism in a contemporary China mixed of nationalist, authoritarian, Marxist and neo-liberal elements. I would like to address the question on three levels: First, by revisiting Max Weber‘s essay on Confucianism, which is generally understood – incorrectly, as I will argue – as an argument against the compatibility of Confucianism and progress. Secondly, I shall reconsider the “Singapore challenge” of the 1980s and other arguments for the alleged entrepreneurial spirit of Confucianism. Thirdly, I will explore whether traditional Confucian anti-commercialism is an indispensable element of its teachings. And fourthly, and lastly, I shall look into the modern phenomenon of consumerism and assess it from a Confucian perspective. The general position of my argument is that while Confucianism is not incompatible with capitalism, it would require its radical modifications as well as considerable restraint on its social power.
Info ja kontakt: mart.laanemets [ät] ut.ee, tel 737 5589, 551 8847