Aasia ja Lähis-Ida teemalised õppeained kevadsemestril 2019/2020

Sel semestril on võimalik registreeruda mitmetele Aasia ja Lähis-Idaga seotud õppeainetele. Eestikeelsed valik- ja vabaained on järgmised.

FLLC.08.004 Hiina kirjandus  (3 EAP)
Õppejõud Märt Läänemets
Kursuse eesmärk on anda ülevaade Hiina kirjakeele tekkimisest ja arengust, Hiina kirjanduse perioodidest, põhiteostest ja -žanritest ning -autoritest muistsest perioodist tänapäevani välja. Kirjandusprotsessi käsitletakse tihedas seoses ajaloo, kultuuri ja mõttelooga.

FLLC.08.006 Jaapani kirjandus  (3 EAP)
Õppejõud Kairi Jets
Kursuse eesmärgiks on tutvustada jaapani kirjanduse põhilisi teoseid, autoreid ja žanre klassikalisest ajastust (algus u 794) tänapäevani nende ajaloolises ja kultuurilises kontekstis ning seostada neid sarnaste arengutega Lääne kirjanduses ja kultuuris.

FLLC.08.017 Jaapani kultuur ja ühiskond  (3 EAP)
Õppejõud Eri Miyano
Kursuse eesmärgiks on tutvustada jaapani kultuuri ja ühiskonda.

USUS.08.025 Islami sisemine pluralism (3 EAP)
Õppejõud Elo Süld
Kursuse eesmärk on pakkuda valikuvõimalusi saamaks spetsiifilisi teadmisi olulistest teemadest erinevate religioossete suundade kohta islamis. Samuti tutvustada süvendatult pluralistlikku usulist maastikku ning nende omavahelisi seoseid.

USUS.06.139 Hiina ja Jaapani usundid (6 EAP)
Õppejõud Tarmo Kulmar
Eesmärgiks on anda süsteemne ülevaade Hiina ja Jaapani usundiloost, esmajoones Hiinas ja/või Jaapanis tekkinud religioonidest (Hiina loodususund, taoism, konfutsianism, šintoism, tähtsamad Hiina ja Jaapani budistlikud koolkonnad) nende ajaloolises arengus.'


Ingliskeelsed ained on: 

HVUS.06.006 Society, religion and Politics in Contemporary Middle East(6 EAP)
Responsible lecturer: Elo Süld. Other Lecturers: Anu Põldsam, Maili Vilson, Helen Haas, Amir Vasheghanifarahani

The main objectives of the course are to give a review of different political models in Middle East and North Africa. Also to describe the dynamics of Middle Eastern and North African political regimes and movements and their peculiarities, assess current changes in political and social settings of Islamic societies and the role of religion in them. And finally, substantiate the correspondence of political and social outcomes and cultural and religious reasons.

HVLC.08.020 Arabic for beginners II, A1.1 > A1.2 (6 EAP)
Õppejõud Imar Yacine Koutchoukali

HVKU.10.005 History of Chinese Thought and Religion  (3 EAP)
Lecturer Märt Läänemets
The aim of the course is to give a representative and comprehensive look into the schools of thought and religions (Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism) in China, their formation and development and their manifestations in the modern world.

HVLC.08.012  Chinese for beginners I (On the Basis of English) 0> A1.1 (6 EAP)
Lecturer  Mart Tšernjuk
Mastering the basics of spoken and written Modern Standard Chinese (Mandarin). It contains: (1) basic rules for pronunciation; (2) using Chinese phonetic alphabet (pinyin) for writing Chinese words; (3) basic rules and principles of Chinese characters (hanzi/kanji); (4) mastering the elementary vocabulary and speech patterns in speech and writing.

HVLC.08.013  Chinese for beginners I (On the Basis of English) A1.1> A1.2 (6 EAP)
Resposible Mart Tšernjuk. Teaching Yimeng Cui
Mastering the basics of modern spoken and written Chinese (Mandarin). Practicing reading, conversation (in the limits of topics and vocabulary given in the textbook), and writing characters; learning the basic rules of grammar and syntax of the Chinese language.

HVLC.08.008  Japanese for Beginners I, Level 0 > A1.1 (6 EAP)
Responsible Eri Miyano. Lecturer Uku Lehesalu
The aim of the course is to learn spoken and written Japanese at the elementary level. Students practice all four language skills. The aimed level is A1.1.

HVLC.08.009  Japanese for Beginners II, Level A1.1 > A1.2 (6 EAP)
Lecturer Eri Miyano.
The aim of the course is to learn spoken and written Japanese at the elementary level. Students practice all four language skills. The aimed level is A1.2.

FLLC.08.008 Korean History (3 EAP)
Lecturer Jung Ran Park
This course will seek to provide students a broad understanding of Korean history, By doing so, it is hoped that students will gain an appreciation of the diversity of Korean history and the various people who lived it.

HVLC.08.016 Korean for Beginners I (on the Basis of English), Level 0 > A1.1 (6 EAP)
Lecturer Jung Ran Park
This course aims to develop basic linguistic skills in Korean. Students will learn and practice fundamental vocabulary and grammar in order to talk about their daily life. They will understand and use Korean better by carrying out simple communicative activities and tasks.

HVLC.08.017 Korean for Beginners II (on the Basis of English), Level A1.1 > A1.2
Lecturer Jung Ran Park
This course aims to develop basic linguistic skills in Korean. Students will learn and practice fundamental vocabulary and grammar in order to talk about their daily life. They will understand and use Korean better by carrying out simple communicative activities and tasks.

HVLC.08.018 Korean for Beginners III (on the Basis of English), Level A1.1 > A1.2
Lecturer Jung Ran Park
This course aims to develop speaking skills in Korean language by focusing on general topics of daily life.

USUS.08.017 Religion in Modern-Day Israel (3 EAP)
Lecturer Anu Põldsam
The aim of the current course is to give the student an overview of religions practiced in modern-day Israel and about the relationship between the state and religion in Israel.

SVJS.00.003 Security Challenges in the Asia-Pacific (6 EAP)
Lecturer Eiki Berg
This course aims to examine the main security challenges framing international relations around the Asia-Pacific basin. This course will be delivered in two parts. Part one will examine the impact of China's rise as an economic and political power on the regional security landscape in East Asia, as well as the evolving direction of Japan's security policy and the security situation along the Korean Peninsula. Part two will assess regional integration and security among the states of the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN).

SVJS.00.002  Political Development in East and Southeast Asia (6 EAP)
Lecturer Dong Lisheng
This course will approach the political development in East and Southeast Asia since the 20th Century from comparative politics perspective. It will serve as a core course for understanding the politics in the region, putting it into the context of democratic development alongside cultural and historical specificities, ethnic and social cleavages, and economic development. The course explores whether there exists an alternative to democratization.

SVJS.00.018 EU-China Mutual Bilateral Policies (3 EAP)
Lecturer Dong Lisheng
This course will review and analyze EU-China policies toward each other in the context of their respective internal political and economic developments as well as their relations with other major world powers. A unique feature of the course is evaluations of the impact of the public opinions on their respective policy making. It is realized through an overview of a series of surveys on the EU-China public perceptions toward each other in recent three decades.

Further information is found in SIS.