Sügissemestril on võimalik registreeruda huvilistel mitmetele Aasia ja Lähis-Idaga seotud õppeainetele. Eestikeelsed valik- ja vabaained on järgmised.
USUS.08.002 Sissejuhatus judaismi
Õppejõud Anu Põldsam
Aine eesmärk on anda ülevaade judaistikast kui teadusharust ning judaismi kui usundi arenguloost.
USUS.08.001 Sissejuhatus islamisse
Õppejõud Elo Süld
Aine eesmärk on anda ülevaade islamistikast kui teadusharust ning islami kui usundi arenguloost.
USUS.08.016 Araabia ajalugu ja kultuurilugu
Õppejõud Elo Süld
Õppeaines kirjeldatakse esiteks Aaraabia maade ajalugu aastast 600 kuni tänapäevani. Teiseks vaadeldakse ajaloo kõrval kultuurilugu ja teadusajalugu. Kolmandaks kõneldakse islami filosoofiast ja religioossetest arengutest.
HVLV.08.008 Jaapani keel algtase I, tase 0>A1.1
Lektor Eri Miyano
Kursuse eesmärgiks on omandada jaapani keele elementaarsed oskused nii kõnes kui kirjas. Arendatakse kõiki osaoskusi. Üldeesmärkide saavutamise lõpptase on A1.1.
FLLC.08.017 Jaapani kultuur ja ühiskond
Õppejõud Eri Miyano
Kursuse eesmärgiks on tutvustada jaapani kultuuri ja ühiskonda.
FLLC.08.006 Jaapani kirjandus
Õppejõud Kairi Jets
Kursuse eesmärgiks on tutvustada jaapani kirjanduse põhilisi teoseid, autoreid ja žanre klassikalisest ajastust (algus u 794) tänapäevani nende ajaloolises ja kultuurilises kontekstis ning seostada neid sarnaste arengutega Lääne kirjanduses ja kultuuris.
Täpsem info on olemas ÕIS2-s.
Ingliskeelsed kursused on järgmised:
USUS.08.023 Cultural and Religious Roots of the Middle East
Lecturers Anu Põldsam, Elo Süld, Priit Rohtmets, Urmas Nõmmik, and Vladimir Sazanov
The main objective of the course is to introduce students to the wide-reaching relevance of historical-cultural influences and of religion to the character and composition of societies in the Middle East since antiquity. Through a wide chronological and geographical lens, students will gain insight into the roles and dynamics that religion plays in modern societies in the Middle East. The aim of the course is also to show how religious and temporal power are contingent on the cultural contexts in which they emerge and to introduce these contexts to the students.
MJJV.07.097 Emerging Markets in World Economy
Lecturers: Peter J Hwuang, Urmas Varblane
By the end of this course, students will be able to: Learn more about socio-cultural, political and economic systems in the Asia Pacific region. 2. Identify business opportunities presented by emerging industries in the Asia Pacific region, and ASEAN 3. Gain insights into business and/or career opportunities in the Asia Pacific region and ASEAN.
SVJS.00.015 Introduction to Glocalization Studies
Lecturer Urmas Hõbepappel
The aim of the course is to introduce main theories of area studies and globalization studies, and describe how Estonia, East Asia, the Middle East are interlinked with other regions (e.g. the EU, Pacific) of the world.
HVKU.10.003 Asian and Middle Eastern Civilizations
Lecturer Alevtina Solovyeva
The aim of this course is to introduce societies of Asia (East and South Asia) and Middle East in their synchronic and diachronic perspectives, using analytics of multidisciplinary and social studies approaches. This course aims to form general and subject-specified practical competencies that allow students to work successfully in their chosen field and provide effective tools to improve their professional skills, competitive abilities and benefits at the labor market
HVKU.10.004 Mindsets in Modern Day Asia and Middle East
Lecturer Alectina Solovyeva
The aim of the course to introduce contemporary features and processes characterising societies and ethnic cultures of Asia (East and South Asia) and Middle East. The course aims to provide students with knowledges and analytical multidisciplinary tools to understand and interpret specific epistemological forms, models of behaviour, social values and cultural codes applied in various situations and spheres of today's life in Asia and Middle Eastern.
LTOM.02.030 Demography, Global Migration and Contemporary Cities
Lecturers Tiit Tammaru, Kadi Kalm, Kadri Leetmaa, Madli-Johanna Maidla
The aim is to get overview of the global population trends and their relationship to urban development and planning.
HVLC.08.012 Chinese for beginners I (On the Basis of English) 0> A1.1
Lecturer Mart Tšernjuk
Mastering the basics of spoken and written Modern Standard Chinese (Mandarin). It contains: (1) basic rules for pronunciation; (2) using Chinese phonetic alphabet (pinyin) for writing Chinese words; (3) basic rules and principles of Chinese characters (hanzi/kanji); (4) mastering the elementary vocabulary and speech patterns in speech and writing.
HVLC.08.013 Chinese for beginners II (On the Basis of English) A1.1> A1.2
Lecturer Mart Tšernjuk.
Mastering the basics of modern spoken and written Chinese (Mandarin). Practicing reading, conversation (in the limits of topics and vocabulary given in the textbook), and writing characters; learning the basic rules of grammar and syntax of the Chinese language.
HVLC.08.014 Chinese for beginners I (On the Basis of English) A1.2> A2.1
Lecturer Mart Tšernjuk.
Mastering the basics of modern spoken and written Chinese (Mandarin). Training of reading, conversation (in the limits of topics and vocabulary given in the textbook), and the writing of characters; learning the basic rules of grammar and syntax of the Chinese language.
HVLC.08.020 Arabic for beginners II, level A1.1 > A1.2
Lecturer Imar Yacine Koutchoukali
By the end of this course the students will have mastered the Arabic alphabet, acquired sufficient knowledge of the sound system and gained a solid understanding of the basics of Modern Standard Arabic grammar and its core vocabulary. Students will possess basic oral skills. They will be able to generate simple sentences in speech and in writing and read written material presented to them (short simple texts covered in class).
HVLC.08.008 Japanese for Beginners I, Level 0 > A1.1
Lecturer Eri Miyano
The aim of the course is to learn spoken and written Japanese at the elementary level. Students practice all four language skills. The aimed level is A1.1.
HVLC.08.009 Japanese for Beginners II, Level A1.1 > A1.2
Lecturer Eri Miyano
The aim of the course is to learn spoken and written Japanese at the elementary level. Students practice all four language skills. The aimed level is A1.2.
HVLC.08.010 Japanese for Beginners III, Level A1.2 > A2.1
Lecturer Eri Miyano
The aim of the course is to develop the skills acquired during the courses „Japanese for Beginners I and II". Students practice all four language skills. The aimed language level is A2.1.
HVLC.08.016 Korean for Beginners I (on the Basis of English), Level 0 > A1.1 (6 EAP)
Lecturer Anastassia Kolessova
This course aims to develop basic linguistic skills in Korean. Students will learn and practice fundamental vocabulary and grammar in order to talk about their daily life. They will understand and use Korean better by carrying out simple communicative activities and tasks.
Further information is found in SIS.