Giuli Shabashvili loengud (22.-26.05)

22.-26. maini peab dotsent Giuli Shabashvili Tbilisi Riiklikust Ülikoolist viis loengut teemal "Keelepoliitika Gruusias". Loengute teemad on toodud ingliskeelses kirjelduses.

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Tudengitel on võimalik kursusele ka registreeruda ja teenida 1 EAP. 
Otsi ÕISis kursust: HVLC.08.021 Keelepoliitika Gruusias. 

Üritus Facebookis:


22 MayIssues of Ethnic and Linguistic Diversity in Georgia, importance of Georgian as a state language from the perspective of both the diachronic and synchronic approach. Issues of historical sociolinguistics. Kartvelian languages in Georgia, Turkey and Iran.

23 MayLanguage policy of Georgia in the Soviet Period

24 MayCurrent language policy of Georgia and issues of language law in Georgia 

25 MayIssues of cultural sensitivity in the Georgian educational environment. Issues of teaching Georgian as a second language

26 MayLanguage Policy: the case of Georgia and Estonia, a comparative analysis

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