Konverents "Religion and Nation(alism): Entanglements, Tensions, Conflicts" 10.-11. novembril 2016


TÜ Aasia keskus kööstöös EAUS, Eesti ja võrdleva rahavaluule osakonna ning Usuteaduskonnaga kutsub konverentsile "Religion and Nation(alism): Entanglements, Tensions, Conflicts" 10.-11. novembril 2016
Recent developments throughout the world have shown that the connections between ethnic and religious identity have not lost their actuality. The relationships between religion and nationalism are multifaceted and interactive; their dynamics is influenced by social and political conditions. The politisation of religion may support ethnic and national unity, whereas religion may lead to particular forms of political activism. The concurrence of ethnic and religious identity (or the lack of it!) may result in nation building or the shaping of an ideology of the ‘chosen people’. Moreover, religious identities may offer possibilities for the formation of communities that cross national borders.  See the Program http://www.eaus.ee/en/program/

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