Seminar USA-Hiina kaubandussõjast (06.12)

Tartu Ülikooli majandusklubi (The Economics Club) korraldab neljapäeval, 6.12, seminari "Trade War between USA and China"

Seminari viib läbi Aasia majanduse professor Peter J. Hwang.

Aeg: 06.12 kell 18.00
Koht: Majandusteaduskond (J. Liivi 4), ruum 307
Osalustasu: Tasuta, kõik on oodatud
Keel: inglise

The recent trade policy of the current American government enhances a confrontation with the Popular Republic of China. The effects of this struggle are starting to be observed but what will be the end results and how it will affect the rest of the world is still unclear. Is it possible that this confrontation will result in a real war? Who is gaining from that? The US firms or the Chinese ones? The American workers or the Chinese ones? Or none of them? What is the role of Japan? Which kind of policy the European Union should put in place? What will be final effect on the world trade? Will one of the principal of this trade war cause the next economic crisis?


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