Korea ajaloo, kultuuri ja kunsti seminar

Tartu Ülikooli Aasia regiooni keelte osakond korraldab Korea õpingute konverentsi: 2nd UT KCC Seminar on Korean History, Culture and Arts

Aeg: Reede, 13. aprill, 16.15
Koht: Lossi 3-307

Seminari kõned käsitlevad Koread ajaloolistest ja võrdlevatest perspektiividest. Esinejate taust on mitmekülgne. Üles astub nii gümnasist kui ka Tartu Ülikooli doktorant. Kõnelejaid on nii Eestist, USAst, kui ka Koreast.

Kõik on oodatud osalema. Üritus on tasuta.
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Programm inglise keeles: 

Moderator: Daniel Valdma, Karl-Hendrik Henno

Session 1: Korean History: Population, Westernization and Independence (4:15 - 5:45)

1. Isabel Küttim - Demographic Change and Future in Korea and Estonia

Isabel Küttim is a 10th grade student in Hugo Treffner Gymnasium, majoring in natural science. She is interested in different countries' geography. Especially, the part of geography that the people face in their everyday life, such as population, climate, agriculture and natural disasters. Out of these topics, she chose to speak about the population of South Korea.

2. Aron Park - The Independence Movements in Korea and Estonia: Songs for liberation

Aron Park is a bachelor student in Pusan National University studying business. He is also an exchange student at UT. After starting to studying business, he has learned many stories about heros who are changing the world. They create flatform company where many people can interact in, and give new experience to global people. The influence is now in progress. Aron wants to be the hero like them. Like making bibimbap, he is interested in mix different cultures and various ideas. When a lot of views are collected, we can make attractive synergy. He wish the changing starts in here, Tartu. He can be reached by email; ecpc1994 [ät] gmail.com

3. Roland Schimanski - Early Contacts Between Korea and the West

Roland Schimanski (MA) is a sociologist, working in military sociology, and currently pursuing an additional MA degree in philosophy specialising in analytic metaphysics. Among other things he is interested in East Asian (social) history. Recently, his focus has shifted to social problems and movements in late premodern East Asia. In the seminar he will talk about the key moments in 19th century contacts between Korea and the West that laid the foundations of what was to become of the peninsula in the 20th and 21st centuries.

- Comprehensive Discussion for 1st Session

Session 2: Korean Culture and Arts (6:15-7:45)

1. Lilian Langsepp - Korean Gayageum music and comparison Guzheng - Gayageum - Koto

Versatile musician Lilian Langsepp plays harpsichord, organ, historical harps, guzheng and is singing and teaching Gregorian Chant. Since 1994 she has been active in recording and performing with various early music groups and as a soloist and has performed at numerous festivals and concerts in Europe, Asia, Argentina and the USA. She is also the founder and conductor of the choir Schola Gregoriana Tartuensis. L.L. has devoted herself primarily to the repertoire of European baroque and medieval music, and classical music from Asian traditional cultures. Ms. Langsepp is lecturer of music at the University of Tartu and teacher at the H. Eller Music School. She has worked for Tartu Early Music Festival as consultant and editor since its start in 1996. Lilian Langsepp is currently working on her doctoral thesis in the University of Tartu, focussing on philosophical analysis of music perception.

2. Jason Mario Dydynski - How to be Aegyo 애교? A semiotic analysis of acting “cute” in Korean culture.

Jason Mario Dydynski is a PhD student in Semiotics and Cultural Studies at the University of Tartu. He studies the perception of cuteness and how biological and cultural factors play a role in what we find cute, his current research focus includes cute animals, animal characters/mascots, and object design. Dydynski is currently researching cross cultural preferences in cuteness between Estonia, South Korea, and the United States. He frequently makes kimchi and tteokbokki at home, and his favorite korean dessert is Green Tea Patbingsu.

3. Maari Hinsberg - The Spirit is Present: the Story of a Korean Shaman Painting - worshipped, retired, collected and perpetuated. 

Maari Hinsberg is a BA student in Cultural Heritage and Conservation at the Estonian Academy of Arts. She has been trained in a Euro-centric scientific conservation approach based on material analysis but has become interested in preserving what lies beyond the tangible. To study foreign cultural and historical values, she completed a research internship within the Korean collection of Museum Volkenkunde in Leiden, the Netherlands. The speech will take look into religious influences on modern Korean thought and contemporary conservation theory in preserving intangible cultural heritage. This research is the basis of a BA thesis on conservation treatment methodology of a painting revered by Korean shamans as manifestation of the sacred, yet replaced if deemed necessary with cheap prints or newly-painted posters. Whether organic physical material carries value or not will be discussed in the presentation.

- Comprehensive Discussion for 2nd Session

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