Aasia ja Lähis-Ida teemalised õppeained sügissemestril 2021/2022

Põnevaid eesti- ja ingliskeelseid õppeaineid, mis tutvustavad Aasia ja Lähis-Ida kultuure, keeli, aga ka majandust ning poliitikaid, on kevadsemestril 2021-2022 Tartu Ülikoolis mitmeid.

Eestikeelsed ained on järgmised:

USUS.08.025 Islami sisemine pluralism
Õppejõud: Helen Haas, Elo Süld

Aine tutvustab islami sees eksisteerivaid erinevaid religioosseid suundasid, nende kujunemist, aluspõhimõtteid ja nende omavahelisi seoseid.

USUS.08.016 Araabia ajalugu ja kultuurilugu
Õppejõud: Elo Süld, Helen Haas, Imar Yacine Koutchoukali

Õppeaines kirjeldatakse esiteks Aaraabia maade ajalugu aastast 600 kuni tänapäevani. Teiseks vaadeldakse ajaloo kõrval kultuurilugu ja teadusajalugu. Kolmandaks kõneldakse islami filosoofiast ja religioossetest arengutest.

FLLC.08.005 Jaapani ajalugu
Õppejõud: Ene Selart

Kursuse eesmärgiks on anda ülevaade Jaapani ajaloo erinevatest ajastutest ja ühiskonna iseloomulikest arengujoontest. Lisaks analüüsitakse põhjalikumalt tähtsamaid sündmuseid ning nendega kaasnenud kultuurinähtusi.

HVLC.08.008 Jaapani keel algtasemele I, tase 0 > A1.1
Õppejõud: Eri Miyano

Kursuse eesmärgiks on omandada jaapani keele elementaarsed oskused nii kõnes kui kirjas. Arendatakse kõiki osaoskusi. Üldeesmärkide saavutamise lõpptase on A1.1.

HVLC.08.009 Jaapani keel algtasemele II, tase A1.1 > A1.2
Õppejõud: Eri Miyano

Kursuse eesmärgiks on omandada jaapani keele elementaarsed oskused nii kõnes kui kirjas. Arendatakse kõiki osaoskusi. Üldeesmärkide saavutamise lõpptase on A1.2.

HVLC.08.011 Jaapani keel eelkesktasemele I, tase A2.1 > A2.2
Õppejõud: Eri Miyano

Kursuse eesmärgiks on süvendada "Jaapani keele algkursus III" jooksul omandatud teadmisi ja oskusi nii kõnes kui kirjas. Arendatakse kõiki osaoskusi. Üldeesmärkide saavutamise lõpptase on B1.1

USUS.05.067 Heebrea keel
Õppejõud: Anu Põldsam

Kursuse eesmärgiks on anda tudengile baasteadmised heebrea keelest, mis on vajalikud Heebrea Piibli (Vana Testament) lugemiseks: tutvustada heebrea keele ajalugu, grammatikat ja morfoloogiat, et tudeng suudaks sõnaraamatu ja õppematerjalide abiga lugeda ning tõlkida Heebrea Piibli lihtsamaid proosa- ja luuletekste.

Täpsem info on olemas ÕIS2-s.

Ingliskeelsed kursused on järgmised:

HVUS.06.006 Society, Religion and Politics in the Contemporary Middle East
Lecturer: Elo Süld, Anu Põldsam, Helen Haas, Maili Vilson, Radityo Dharmaputra, Vladimir Sazonov

The main objectives of the course are to:
give a review of different political models in Middle East and North Africa,
describe the dynamics of Middle Eastern and North African political regimes and movements and their peculiarities,
assess current changes in political and social settings of Islamic societies and the role of religion in them,
substantiate the correspondence of political and social outcomes and cultural and religious reasons.

HVLC.08.012 Chinese for Beginners I (on the Basis of English), Level 0 > A1.1
Lecturer: Mart Tšjernuk

After passing the course, students (1) know and are able to practice the principles of the Chinese pronunciation on the basis of pinyin phonetic alphabet; (2) know the rules of writing of Chinese characters and are able to write them in the correct way; (3) are able to communicate in Chinese to establish contact and exchange polite expressions in different situations.

SVJS.00.003 Security Challenges in the Asia-Pacific
Lecturers: Eiki Berg, Radityo Dharmaputra

This course aims to examine the main security challenges framing international relations around the Asia-Pacific basin. This course will be delivered in two parts. Part one will examine the impact of China's rise as an economic and political power on the regional security landscape in East Asia, as well as the evolving direction of Japan's security policy and the security situation along the Korean Peninsula. Part two will assess regional integration and security among the states of the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN).

SVJS.00.002 Political Development in East and Southeast Asia
Lecturers: Robert Douglas Weatherley, Catherine Jones, Radityo Dharmaputra

This course presents a broad overview of Northeast and Southeast Asia's political development from a comparative politics perspective. It will serve as a core course for understanding the politics in the region, putting it into the context of democratic development alongside cultural and historical specificities, ethnic and social cleavages, and economic development.

SVMJ.07.004 Asia and Pacific Business
Lecturers: Peter J Hwang, Gaygysyz Ashyrov

The general aim of the course is to provide knowledge about the changing role of Asian economies in the world economy and create skills needed to operate in the globalised economy. The objective is to develop for students a basic knowledge about the international business, with the clear focus on the Asia-Pacific region. Course gives understanding about the business environment, business models and practices applied by Asian firms. This course is especially relevant for the students, future employees of private and public firms, which are doing different type of business in Asia. It is useful also for the wider audience in order to understand specificity of Asian business environment and practices.

MJJV.07.103 Chinese Mindset Development and Reflections in Business Behavior and Management
Lecturers: Urmas Varblane, Eva Liias, Joseph Chee Phong Lau

This course details with the comprehensive reviews on Chinese mindset development through the country's development and cultural formation. By illustrating the Chinese mindset, this course guides students to apply the mindset elements to nowadays business practices, in particular, in business negotiations and communication; organizational culture and management style.

HVLC.08.017 Korean for Beginners II (on the Basis of English), Level A1.1 > A1.2
Lecturers: Anastassia Kolessova

This course is for learners who can read and write Hangeul and also who can speak basic Korean such as greetings, simple words and sentences, sentences in the present tense. In this class, students will acquire 4 skills: speaking, reading, writing and listening. Also they will have an opportunity to learn and understand Korean culture. Each class will be conducted by a lecturer that teaches vocabulary, expressions and grammar. In class, students will practice what they learned individually, in pairs or in groups.

HVLC.08.020 Arabic for Beginners II, Level A1.1 > A1.2
Lecturers: Imar Yacine Koutchoukali

This course will develop basic linguistic skills in Arabic from level A1.1> A1.2

VMJ.07.004 Asia and Pacific Business
Lecturers: Peter J. Hwang

The general aim of the course is to provide knowledge about the changing role of Asian economies in the world economy and create skills needed to operate in the globalised economy. The objective is to develop for students a basic knowledge about the international business, with the clear focus on the Asia-Pacific region. Course gives understanding about the business environment, business models and practices applied by Asian firms.

Further information is found in SIS.

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