Neljas Korea õpingute seminar Baltikumis

20. aprillil korraldavad Läti Ülikooli Korea õpingute keskus koostöös Mykolas Romeris Ülikooliga järjekorras neljandat Korea õpingute seminari Baltikumis. Seminar toimub Vilniuses. Seminaril arutatakse Korea õpingute ja korea keele õpetamise olukorda Balti riikides.

Foorumi üldiseks pealkirjaks on: "The Globalization of Korean language and culture, and the new position of Korean Studies in Baltic States".

Aeg: 20. aprill 2018
Koht: Mykolas Romeris Ülikool, Vilnius, Leedu

Esialgne programm inglise keeles:

9.00 - Opening speech

9.15 Key-note speech - Issues in Teaching Korean for University Degree Courses by Prof. Yeon Jaehoon (SOAS, University of London, UK)

Coffee Break

10.30-12.30 - Forum on Korean Studies: The Globalization of Korean language and culture, and the new position of Korean Studies in Baltic States

Moderator: Prof. Choi Gwonjin (Inha University, South Korea)

Expected speakers: Representatives from University of Latvia, Mykolas Romeris University, Vytautas Magnus University, University of Tartu, Tallinn Technical University.

12.30 - The Seminar “Korean literature and translation”

13:30 - Past and Current Status of Translated Korean Books into Bulgarian Language by Prof. Kim Soyoung (Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria)

Coffee break

14.50 - 16.20 Meeting with the Korean novelist Kang Byoungyoong (University of Ljubliana, Slovenia)

16.20 General meeting - The organization of Baltic Association of Korean Studies and the election of the president.

More information:

Seo Jinseok
Head of Korean Studies Center
The Faculty of Humanity. University of Latvia
+371 2203 2164

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