Sungju Park-Kang: "A ‘Virgin Terrorist’ in Korea" (21.03)

21.03 annab Orientalistika seminaris loengu Sungju Park-Kang, Loeng kannab pealkirja "A ‘Virgin Terrorist’ in Korea"

Aeg: Kolmapäeval, 21. märtsil 2018, kell 18:15

Koht: Ülikooli 18-307

Igapäevaselt töötab Sungju Park-Kang Turku ülikooli (Soome) Ida-Aasia uuringute keskuses.Tema valdkonnaks on Korea uuringud ja rahvusvahelised suhted ning tema sulest on pärit raamat Fictional International Relations.

Loengu kirjendus inglise keeles:

This talk aims to explore the destruction of a South Korean plane by a North Korean secret agent woman. The KAL 858 disappeared over the Andaman Sea on 29 November 1987. According to South Korea, Hyunhee Kim bombed the plane under instructions from the North Korean leadership, killing 115 people. Many unanswered questions, however, have emerged and resulted in two rounds of reinvestigations. The talk, in a broader context, is concerned with the politics of contested truths and narratives.

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